Just about everything that appears in mind anytime... Thoughts, reviews, happenings, just anything...

Ipoh Tournament

Discussing over fixture pattern


Discussing which fixture is "better"

Finally, drawing fixture

Everyone drawed and eager to see who's their opponent


Not bad, actually the fixture very bad

KP still blur and asking others

Holyboy giving his own "speech before tournament"

Be Seated, Prepare And Go... Starting... Loading

Building. Construction Complete. New Construction Options

Me, playing against my opponent

Finished and won... Sms-ing

A small group photo during break

Another match going to start

Looking nervous... Because Vs Champion

Me again...

Watching Final (Holyboy vs Vic Viper)

Confirming my prizes ^^... With Xiao Li

Aww.. My eyes... Ruined

Another group

A final group photo, the end of tournament

All the photos above are provided by the photographer of the event and gamers.com.my, special thanks to Andy. Thanks to Mr Allan, Alex, Wai San, and all who participated in this event. And thanks to gamers.com.my for all the sponsoring.
6:21 PM

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