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"BeeAnd", "AmNor" and Dota

Auntie BeeAnd and Uncle AmNor married up for so many years, they achieved wealth, power and everything they want, but instead they never visited and be filial to their grandparents so called Ruckyat, ending up Ruckyat suffering for half decade. Instead, they treat their stepmother named Boomeepoothera like god and protect them like there is no tomorrow.

And now we got another very good situation in Malaysia gaming industry, a fellow named MindCry, much like the leader of DoTards, making a few very EPIC quote that makes him so hot and famous across all the media, or even across the globe up into USA gaming industry. One of them is:

"Dota improves ur flexibility skills and your mental skills, it will train you on analytical skills as well as decision making making your brain always active, think of it as an exercise to your brain which is good as we rarely exercise our brain, it also train us to be discipline and patience like a ninja, later in years we can use this when we are working or while being pressured to do projects or an assignment because we are already used to being bullied or called names while were in dota. In recent studies it has shown that games improves flexibility and maneuver but nothing comes close to dota which makes it the preferral games for jobs that requires a lot of precisions such as surgeons or architects."-MindCry

Another super EPIC:

So that, we knew that Uncle ParkLaaaaa is going to be so happy about it and probably our whole Malaysia Olympic Team will just need to stop training, and just let Dotards to go Olympic 2012 London maybe... And furthermore up in wikipedia in the near future, or very soon, when you search Malaysia, you will get something like "Main Economy-DoTa", "Main Job-Dotards", "Main Achivement-DoTa Gold Medal in SEA Games, ASEAN Games, Olympic", and also "Main International Awards-Nobel Dotatology"

For further entertainment, visit http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/824238/+20
7:35 PM

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