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Hopeless Desire

Hopeless desire... It happens on me most of the time... Such as I can list to be study, someone I like, WCG... Talking about WCG, well Malaysia's broadband is too good to play online that most of the time will lag. And friends around me, to say gamers most of them are "Dotards" who play a map call DoTa, others that I taught them how to play are most likely lazy to train up, giving stupid excuses such as homework, but that's how I did it? Well, who doesn't hope to win to achieve things they want without training without pay off? But certainly my friends out there they think this miracle will happen. Well, they have everything that I want, they have someone they like, they studied what they like... That's maybe why they think I am idiot, that can't achieve anything but just gaming when I am alone and not like them got someone to accompany...
4:17 AM

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