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Piano and Drum

Ahhh... Music instrument, Piano and Drum have always been my favorite.
First, let's see, Piano can actually play a nice piece of music on its own, but drum plays great role in the beat.
Here comes the story, Drum in loves with Piano. Everytime in the concert, Drum supports Piano performance, Drum feels very happy with that, and this condition has been continued for 3 series of World Tour Concert. Finally, at the most recent series of World Tour, final station in Malaysia, Piano rejected Drum's confession. Drum although sad, but understand Drum is just a Drum, too simple... But Piano need someone that learned musical notes, and can play Piano as if it is the player is speaking him/herself.
But no matter how, Drum hides up his emotion, and continue to play the beats for Piano, until the Drum spoiled one day and to be replaced...

And yes, I didn't master piano as expected... I can't play To Zanarkand on my own, can't play Secret, can't play any Chopin's or Beethoven or Mozart or Bach or anyone you prefer... There, I admit, there is no limitation, but there is definitely something where you need to do with extra effort with little or no results when the others can.
2:30 AM

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