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The concept of force induction vs naturally aspirated

Explanation in terms of:

1) Khai Phin: Force induction is just an add-on to boost engine performance and thus N.A still better.
2) JD: Force induction is like overclocking while N.A is normal state.
3) Tzmin: Force induction or N.A is none of my business.
4) Peggy: Har? Apa tu?
5) Kim: I like bicycle, oh wait... I like NuSkin charged engine
6) My brother: Work hard and earn until like dad and you can have both.
7) My sister: I don't care la.. I just floor pedal and brake every time. Fuel consumption? Let it be...
8) Malay Pigs and Ah Beng: Dugong and Proton is the best you noob, it is cheap and powerful.
3:30 AM

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