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Left 4 Dead


By now… My companion is still taking too much damage in No Mercy campaign, and still will accidentally shoot a Boomer in close quarter (well who don’t when panic?).

However cut those crap, because after a try on versus mode, I realized that it needs nothing but at least 6 players to make a versus fun, else survivor will simply have not much trouble.

As the infected, Boomer is simply the easiest… Just vomit and run, vomit and run… Or if no choice, kamikaze into group of survivors.

Hunter is most fun, but most useless for new players… As they will miss their pounce, and don’t know that they can actually leap against walls but busy-in to find something that can climb = =… And one thing, Hunter is melee all the way, no ranged attack like Boomer and Smoker.

Smoker all about patience… And all bout opportunity… Where you can snare the survivor in a place that they cannot be rescued… Other than that, creativity… Such as drag them through a Witch (Ouccchhh!) or drag them to the gap in between that will make them incapacitated instantly and waiting for their teammate to pull them up back.

9:41 PM

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