Just about everything that appears in mind anytime... Thoughts, reviews, happenings, just anything...

My dad had a weird talk to me


While I looking through the VB assignment, my dad came back and talked to me about my sister recent weird act… And also asking me about the Civic FD2.

And out of a sudden, when JD aka Jiunn Dar msn-ed me… He saw my display picture and asked, so that’s your gf? I just laugh and say hope so, for so many years…

And after few better zoomed high res photo looking through session… He seems ok and say good, just like my mom did…

Well… Again… 3 more years studying for her that far…

Hope everything will be good so and so on for me, for her…

And for those around me, the hardworking cannot lose one needless to say sure will get overall 1st class when graduated.

The blur and lazy one, including me sometimes… Well, just do whatever at best… Knowledge is power, it doesn’t matter if you really lose the results to those who pro at cooking exam + results porridge.

5:10 AM