New semester… New modules… New parking system…
Timetable bad… Modules boring? Well maybe just for me… Parking system sucks to the max and EPIC fail to the hell, well I think everybody agrees… Except some special interest group of people…
“We will fix parking as soon as possible”… Bullshit or real action? Find out soon…
“The documentation is ONLY about 180 pages long”… Oh no, but then someone is happy.
“Wow, you are early for the week, and Shine is late”… No idea really
Anyway… Congrats to Tzmin for getting new computer… Congrats to Yu Peng for getting a new girlfriend… Congrats to Khai Phin for getting new car soon…
Congrats to all of us who back to TPM aka Terrible Parking Management after one month holiday and suffer the shit.
6:25 AM