Just about everything that appears in mind anytime... Thoughts, reviews, happenings, just anything...

The Dream The Fantasy The Reality


Dreams can be beautiful.

Fantasies can be wild.

Yet reality can totally oppose you.


Fact and reality… Looks same but not so same…

Maybe put in such a way, the fact is you didn’t do something, but the other person assume that the reality is that you did, for the reasons they like.


So… Sorry, back to business… Maybe here I wasn’t really updating anything, or maybe it is… Whichever way you all reading out there felt, then it will be…

Maybe I really ought to pursue wild fantasies… But not really much anymore after this, I should have learned not to sway away from my base principals. Dreams… Fantasies… Maybe forever just on my own… I shouldn’t try much on real life…

Sigh… Yes, I am sad? I am down? Hmmmm, maybe not all but somehow… Maybe I shouldn’t but somehow I feel I will and currently is and like a CVT constantly changing… In deep questioning myself, and the surroundings of me and her.

Maybe for one time, I really made a crazy movement to UCTI as quoted by my friend Tzmin…

And it is not that I don’t know how to care… But maybe, I should just sit down and have a talk, straight enough… Or maybe just whack myself to deep thoughts again…


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4:33 AM

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