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Allowed Allocation, Allowed Add-On, Un-allowed Alternative


Allowed Allocation

3M 6Mil – RM2300

3M Mat – RM150

Trunk Tray – RM300 (Est)

HU Frame – RM180 (Est)

Side Step – RM360

Type R Pedal – RM250

Total = RM3360


Allowed Add-On

MUGEN Bodykit – RM1400

MUGEN Spoiler – RM400

MUGEN Visor – RM180

Total = RM1980


Partially Un-allowed Alternative

Pivot 3 Drive – RM980

Rims Trade In – RM350

Alpine HU – Unknown


In the case, 3360 is the constant; while 1980 is variable allocation. However, I wish I can use the 1980 into the mentioned less costly alternatives.

1:43 AM