Just about everything that appears in mind anytime... Thoughts, reviews, happenings, just anything...

The meaning of meaningless is no meaning


Singapore City, Singapore

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Bangkok, Chingmai, Chingrai, Chiangmai, Thailand

Melbourne, Australia

Kun Ming, Da Li, Li Jiang, China

Taiwan all around, Taiwan

Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Shizuoka, Hakone, Fuji, Yokohama, Ginza, Japan


And now…

How long I never go travel… About 5 years…

The meaning, is not there… It is not like the annual trip, full of new excitement, new places for me to explore, remember, and learn…

Mom can’t walk much and can’t travel far, sister just wants shopping, and the reasons go on…

Yes… I choose not to go these 5 years, because mom can’t go far but just Thailand and China, Thailand and China, Thailand and China. But at least, she had fun.

My promised trip, to Japan all around, to Europe, to USA, to Australia etc etc… Is left in shadow, soon to be only a shadow image within myself, left with myself to pursue.


I successfully got VIP entrance invitation to the Grand Launching of the Red Alert 3 last year back in October, live in Trafalgar Square, London… Together with EA hosts and even Gemma Atkinson. Despite agreed by dad, but because î cannot go, so I can’t go because the entrance is for 2.

WCG 2008 Grand Finale at Cologne, Germany… The trip to there as referee, slipped away due to 1 year experience can only be backup referee.

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