Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky (名探偵コナン 天空の難破船) is the 14th movie installment of the manga and anime series Detective Conan. The movie will be released on April 17, 2010. This movie is confirmed to have Kaito Kid involved in it after his last appearance in The Private Eyes' Requiem.
Jirokichi Suzuki, Sonoko's uncle, invites Conan, Ran, the Junior Detective League, and others to ride Bell Tree, the largest airship in the world, for a six-hour trip to Osaka. However, Kid has his eyes set on the Lady of the Sky, a jewel aboard the vessel. Also, the mysterious terrorist group known as Red Siamese Cat will try to hijack the airship itself.
Well April 17, as usual for Japan, Hong Kong, and Britain… Malaysia will have to wait for DVD, or the unorthodox way which KP always will do and enjoy before me, torrent.